GTA Online Players Report Account Hacks Due to Exploited Bug

GTA Online players have reported that their accounts have been hacked, putting their gameplay and even their hardware at risk. A bug in the GTA is allegedly allowing cheaters and modders to hijack, edit, or corrupt PC gamers’ account information. Some players report having all of their gameplay and account data erased, while others have said that their in-game currency has been stolen. The bug allegedly allows for “partial remote code execution,” which could allow malicious users to edit players’ PC files.

The news of the troubles first started popping up over the weekend on various pockets of the internet, with one particular observer, the Twitter account Tez2 (which regularly updates about Rockstar news), posting extensively about the exploit. Complaints also exploded in Rockstar’s official support forums.

GTA Online Players Comments

Gta online on PC is currently unplayable due to severe exploits, this needs to be fixed.

one user posted

Scared to play online. Please fix this rockstar, I really like this game.

another one commented

A subreddit devoted to the game has called for players to avoid the game until further notice.

As we’ve learned it is not safe to play the game on PC right now due to a very dangerous exploit that has just come to light. We need to mass-report this to Rockstar so they can’t ignore it.

On the same subreddit, users have expressed frustration that Rockstar hasn’t addressed—or even confirmed—the security issue yet.

Absolutely the most unforgivable element of this. R* is more concerned with bad press than telling people the extent to which their game has been breached and what danger it poses to their personal information. It really makes me think the worst, if they can’t even come out and say X is safe for now.

commented another user

Tez2, which has been monitoring the situation, has written that

Rockstar is aware [of the problem] and have been logging any affected account before the first mod menu started abusing the new exploits.

However, the company itself hasn’t published an official statement on the issue yet.

According to BleepingComputer, the vulnerability associated with the exploit has already accrued an official Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) designation and is being tracked as CVE-2023-24059. The CVE describes the bug as allowing a hacker to “achieve partial remote code execution or modify files on a PC.” There aren’t a whole lot of details available about how the exploit is supposed to work, however.

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