Write for us

Write to NerdMag

We are always looking for new writers for NerdMag.

If you have any ideas or enjoy writing on a particular topic that aligns with the themes presented on Nerdmag, we would be happy to integrate you into the team. If you have an idea that does not quite fit the themes of NerdMag but will challenge our readers, feel free to present it. We are always open to new ideas.


All content will be checked, but not all may be accepted or will be accepted. Those that are accepted and meet the requirements set by NerdMag will be reviewed by an editor and subsequently placed online.


A large number of people, whether they are our readers, customers, editors, among others, will read your work and learn from it. You will be contributing to the expansion and growth of all.

What we are looking for

We are looking for only original, well-written, formatted content that is between 300 to 1500 words. The articles can be casual in tone and content or strictly structured and edited. They may not be published on other sites. Translations will not be accepted.

How to submit

Use the form below to submit the information. Do not use ZIP files, only DOC and PDF. Use hyperlinks to recognize sources.

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